Benefits of health promoting workplaces

OSH Professional

3Health promoting workplaces

Benefits of health promoting workplaces

The benefits of workplace health promotion for workers include: 

  • Improved health and well-being;
  • Increased job satisfaction; 
  • Reduced stress and improved coping skills with stress; and 
  • Increased health awareness and better skills for health promotion. 

Workplace health promotion is effective when:

  • It complements occupational safety and health measures;
  • Action is taken based on an analysis of the needs and measures are tailored to the circumstances of the organisation; and 
  • Employers, workers and their representatives are involved. 

Integrating occupational safety and health and workplace health promotion

Traditionally, occupational safety and health and workplace health promotion had been regarded as different domains, with workplace health promotion mainly focussed on healthy lifestyle and health behaviour of workers. With the passage of time, the scope of workplace health promotion broadened to encompass physical and mental well-being and work organisational issues, and the overlap between the two domains, OSH and WHP has become greater.

Scientific evidence and practical experience indicate that comprehensive practices and policies that address both, the work environment (physical and organisational) and the personal health risks of individuals in the same time, are more effective in preventing disease and promoting health and safety.  

Integrating health promotion into occupational safety and health management enhances occupational health practice and contributes to the creation of a preventive culture and a health promoting workplace.

Here you can find examples of workplace health promotion programmes that have been developed and implemented by different organisations, showing how occupational safety and health and workplace health promotion can come together.