EU-OSHA, European Parliament pilot project ‘Safer and Healthier work at any age’, Safer and healthier work at any age - Research review on ageing and OSH, 2016. (URL)
Risk assessment is a step in the OSH risk management process that allows identifying potential risks and hazards that workers may be exposed to and deciding on protective and preventive measures that are necessary to be implemented. It is a dynamic process that allows organisations to put in place a proactive policy for managing occupational risks. (Source)
– roles and responsibilities, Factsheet 80. (URL)EU-OSHA, OSH wiki, OSH management and organisation. (URL)
EU-OSHA, e-guide to managing stress and
Psychosocial risks are those aspects of work design and the organisation and management of work, and their social and environmental context, which may have the potential to cause psychological or physical harm. Issues such as work-related stress, workplace violence and harassment are linked to psychosocial risks. (Source)
. (URL)Eurofound,
Sustainable work over the life course means that working and living conditions are such that they support people in engaging and remaining in work throughout an extended working life. These conditions enable a fit between work and the characteristics or circumstances of the individual throughout their changing life, and must be developed through policies and practices at work and outside work. (Source)
over the life course: concept paper, 2015. (URL)Eurofound,
Sustainable work over the life course means that working and living conditions are such that they support people in engaging and remaining in work throughout an extended working life. These conditions enable a fit between work and the characteristics or circumstances of the individual throughout their changing life, and must be developed through policies and practices at work and outside work. (Source)
– the future of working life in Europe, 2015. (URL)INQA, WAI Netzwerk, WAI Online Questionnaire. (URL)
ILO, Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy for coherent decent work policies, 2014. (URL)
R Sabates and C Hammond, The impact of
Lifelong learning concerns all learning activities undertaken throughout life, aiming to improve skills, knowledge and competences. It is a broad concept involving an individual’s education that is flexible, diverse and available at different times and places throughout life. Lifelong Learning encompasses the whole spectrum of formal, non-formal and informal learning. (Source)
on happiness and well-being, 2008. (URL)