---> Musculoskeletal system
Reduced mobility and stiffer joints, increased bone fragilityPotential impact at work:
- May impact jobs where people use a wide range of movements.
- Jobs where manual handling is involved.
- Increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries, as older workers may be working nearer to their own maximal levels.
- Increase risk of bone fractures.
- Identify where groups or individuals are having difficulties. For example, tracking musculoskeletal pain and discomfort in the workforce associated with particular tasks or workstations.
- Avoid repetitive work by incorporating job rotation and allow regular (short) breaks.
- Avoid fixed postures (prolonged sitting or standing).
- Design work to allow movement and postural change. Also, avoid prolonged bending and other extreme demands on the joints.
- Provide tools that are designed to fit the task and user.
- Might have implications for physically demanding jobs where high levels of strength are required.
- Jobs where manual handling is involved.
- Increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries, as older workers may be working nearer to their own maximal capacity.
- Avoid fixed postures (either standing or sitting) and design movement into work tasks.
- Avoid tasks that require twisting the torso while lifting. Ensure objects are lifted from waist level.
- Ensure that work activity is carried out between the thighs and shoulders (avoiding bending and lifting).
- Consider lifting aids or other ways of reducing loading.
- Schedule frequent (short) breaks.
- Adapt the workplace to allow effective movement of workers (clear path, accessible storage, accessible tools).
- Provide grip-friendly tools.
- Provide long-handled tools to reduce bending.
- Provide guidelines and training for: lifting, sitting, standing, bending and stretching.