---> Cardiovascular and respiratory systems

OSH Professional

2Healthy workplaces for all ages

---> Cardiovascular and respiratory systems

Reduction in ‘aerobic power’ by approximately 10% per decade (reduced cardiac output, decreased maximum breathing capacity and maximum oxygen uptake during physical exertion)Potential impact at work:
  • Particularly relevant for jobs with heavy physical work.
  • Older workers may be working nearer to their own maximal levels resulting in fatigue.
Addressing the changes through safety and health management:
  • Provide equipment to reduce heavy physical workload.
  • Introduce frequent short breaks.
  • Allow self-pacing of work.
  • Ensure sufficient time for recovery.
  • Provide regular health checks.
Reduced ability to regulate body temperaturePotential impact at work:
  • Decreased tolerance to extreme heat and cold.
  • Difficulties in adjusting to temperature differences.
  • More susceptible to hypothermia and heatstroke.
Addressing the changes through safety and health management:
  • Reduce exposure as far as possible to extremes of temperature.
  • Avoid strenuous work in hot, humid and cold environments.
  • Ensure access to cooler/warmer areas when work is performed in hot/cold environments.
  • Provide sufficient beverages to prevent dehydration.
  • Allow self-pacing of work in extreme temperatures.
  • Ensure that the

    PPE, which stands for Personal Protective Equipment means all equipment designed to be worn or held by the worker (clothing, helmets, goggles) to protect him/her against one or more hazards likely to endanger the worker’s safety and health at work, and any addition or accessory designed to meet this objective. The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter. PPE must be used when the risks cannot be avoided or sufficiently reduced by technical means of collective protection or procedures of work organisation. (Source)

    provided protects all exposed workers and fits both men and women.
  • Provide regular health surveillance.