Good practices

A small youth welfare organisation, providing social support services for troubled young people, found that its workers aged over 50 were regularly absent or out of work on long-term sick leave. In a bid to retain these experienced workers, a pilot project was set up aiming to their roles were re-designed using a participatory approach.

A large coal mining company has identified increasing rates of sickness-absence and among its workers. The company initiated a programme to reduce sickness absence and the incidence of (MSDs) through prevention. It also aimed to improve workers’ health by awareness-raising and health promotion activities.

A small family support service organisation has an all-female workforce who was suffering from a significant degree of stress and burnout due to the high emotional demands of the job. They needed to find a way to improve working conditions in order to reduce staff turnover.

An airport services company has 500 employees, over half of whom work shifts. In recent years the company has identified a growing problem with sickness-absence and occupational . They initiated a programme to improve workers’ overall health and work-life balance by taking a life course approach.

A large multinational initiated a health promotion programme to create healthier workplaces for all ages. They recognised that workers were motivated by different things and they set out to create a programme with something for everyone.

A cement company employs over 200 workers, almost one-third of whom are over 50 years of age. As older workers are at an increased risk of workplace accidents, the company wanted to focus on making work healthier and safer for everybody.