Why is it important to address return-to-work?

HR Manager

4Return to work

Why is it important to address return-to-work?

As the workforce ages, managing the return to work of people with a long-term illness or injury becomes a key part of resourcing and people management. Retaining valuable experienced workers is of considerable benefit to the organisation, even if workplace adjustments need to be made to achieve this.

It is important to put a clear Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. policy in place, which is integrated into other policies on OSH, sickness absence management and

A disabled worker is a worker with physical or mental impairments that may hamper the work performance. Disabled workers include people with chronic, long-term or progressive conditions. (Source)

. Such policies can include: 
  • The roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved;
  • Procedures around communication with the worker; and
  • Workplace adaptations to facilitate the worker's return.

 Based on this policy, the employer, worker, OSH advisor and HR should all work together to plan and implement a timely, realistic and effective return to work.

Early intervention

Reintegration at the workplace should be considered, if possible, at the earliest possible stage of medical treatment (taking into account medical confidentiality), or in conjunction with Medical rehabilitation aims at restoring the functional or mental ability and quality of life of people with physical or mental impairments or disabilities. or Vocational (or occupational) rehabilitation aims at enabling people with physical or mental impairments or disabilities to overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining or returning to employment or another useful occupation. , depending on the situation of the individual worker. The longer the duration of the sickness absence, the more barriers workers experience to return to work and the lower their chance of a successful return to work.

How to ensure a successful return-to-work? (next section)