Good practices
Holistic age-sensitive measures

A cement company employs over 200 workers, almost one-third of whom are over 50 years of age. As older workers are at an increased risk of workplace accidents, the company wanted to focus on making work healthier and safer for everybody.
The company addressed the issues related to an ageing workforce, while making improvements for all workers. Complementing general OSH measures, such as regular risk assessments, the establishment of a health committee, and providing preventative medical checks to all employees, the company looked particularly at hazards and adaptations for older workers. At the same time, they initiated health promotion measures, such as giving talks on health issues, providing nutritionally-balanced meals in the staff canteen and physiotherapy for anyone with back or muscle problems.
The company achieved its ‘zero accident’ goal: in December 2013, the company reported four years without any lost time related to injury. The company extended the programme throughout its supply chain.