

3Health promoting workplaces


Scottish Centre for Healthy Working LivesAwards and case studies for health promotion and safety, 2016. (URL)

Scottish Centre for Healthy Working LivesMain page, 2016. (URL)

ACASFlexible working, 2014. (URL)

C Chu, et al., Health-promoting workplaces - international settings development, Health Promot. Int. (2000) 15 (2): 155-167. doi: 10.1093/heapro/15.2.155. (URL)

CM Seifert, et al. The Art of Health Promotion: practical information to make programs more effective, Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation in Health Promotion and Wellness, Jan/Feb 2012. (URL)

ENWHP, Promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness: A guide to good practice, 2012. (URL)

ENWHP, Luxembourg Declaration on

Workplace health promotion is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work. This can be achieved through a combination of (1) improving the work organisation and the working environment; (2) promoting active participation; and (3) encouraging personal development. (Source)

in the European Union, 2017. (URL)


Workplace health promotion is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work. This can be achieved through a combination of (1) improving the work organisation and the working environment; (2) promoting active participation; and (3) encouraging personal development. (Source)

for Employers: Factsheet #93. (URL)

EU-OSHA, European Parliament pilot project 'Safer and Healthier work at any Age', Safer and healthier work at any age - Research review on ageing and OSH, 2016. (URL)

ILO, Trainer's guide SOLVE: Integrating Health Promotion into Workplace OSH Policies, 2015. (URL

iOSH and IOM, The health, safety and health promotion needs of older workers - Building an evidence base for an diverse workforce, 2010. (URL)

Swedish National Institute of Public Health, et al., Healthy Ageing - A challenges for Europe, 2007. (URL)

WHO, webpage:

Workplace health promotion is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work. This can be achieved through a combination of (1) improving the work organisation and the working environment; (2) promoting active participation; and (3) encouraging personal development. (Source)

. (URL)

WHO, webpage: Risk factors of ill health among older people. (URL

WHO, Strategy and action plan for healthy ageing in Europe 2012-2020, 2012. (URL)

WHO, World Health Report - Reducing risks, promoting healthy life, 2002. (URL)