Why is it important to address return-to-work?

OSH Professional

4Return to work

Why is it important to address return-to-work?

Many workers leave the labour market permanently as a result of health problems or

A disabled worker is a worker with physical or mental impairments that may hamper the work performance. Disabled workers include people with chronic, long-term or progressive conditions. (Source)

, and too few people with reduced work capability manage to remain in employment.

The Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. process

Helping people to return to work as soon as possible after a long-term illness, injury or

A disabled worker is a worker with physical or mental impairments that may hamper the work performance. Disabled workers include people with chronic, long-term or progressive conditions. (Source)

is of utmost importance. The longer the duration of the sickness absence, the more barriers workers experience in going back and the lower the likelihood of a successful and lasting return to work.

Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. processes are a shared responsibility between the employer, worker, healthcare services and other actors. Occupational healthcare providers and health and safety representatives have a central role to play in implementing such processes and policies in the workplace. Read more here.

Occupational safety and health and return-to-work (next section).