Flexible working time practices
Flexible working time practices can offer benefits to both the employer and the worker. For the employer, working hours can be tailored to meet organisational needs and reduce manpower during off-peak times, while for the worker, flexible working time arrangements can suit their work-life balance needs.
Particularly for workers of older age, flexible working time arrangements can offer a way to, for example, reconcile work, private and family life as they may have caring responsibilities, or to attend medical treatment in case of health problems. Failure to manage these pressures can cause significant stress and absenteeism.
Since 2014, all employees who have been employed with the same organisation for 26 weeks or longer are entitled to ask for flexible working which can include home working, part-time working, flexi-time,
This is an employment relationship in which one employer hires two (or more) workers to fill a single full-time position. It is a form of part-time work that ensures the shared job is permanently staffed. (Source)
or shift work. The employer has to consider each request and have a sound business reason for rejecting any such requests.Some examples of flexible working time practices to consider:
- Flexitime schemes,
Annualisation or annualised hours schemes allow workers’ working time (and pay) to be calculated and scheduled over a period of a year. They are a means of achieving working time flexibility. (Source)
,This is an employment relationship in which one employer hires two (or more) workers to fill a single full-time position. It is a form of part-time work that ensures the shared job is permanently staffed. (Source)
, or job splitting can enable the worker to manage work-life balance; - Part-time working has been found to be helpful in transition to retirement;
Flexible retirement means giving workers more choice in their retirement decisions. This may include modifying incentives to retire later, or by allowing workers to receive a part of their pension benefits while continuing to work at reduced hours. (Source)
arrangements (e.g. part-time retirement, combined pension and work); and - Teleworking, working from home or at a base closer to home reduces travel stress and helps prevent fatigue and ensure sufficient recovery times.