Safety and health at work in the context of an ageing workforce


2: Healthy workplaces for all ages

Safety and health at work in the context of an ageing workforce

A legal obligation

Employers have a legal duty to ensure the safety and health of workers in every aspect related to the work. This includes assessing the risks to the safety and health of workers and adapting the work to the individual.

The law also obliges employers to treat workers equally and prohibits discrimination based on age or

A disabled worker is a worker with physical or mental impairments that may hamper the work performance. Disabled workers include people with chronic, long-term or progressive conditions. (Source)


However, to be able to ensure full equality in practice, the principle of equal treatment does not prevent employers from adopting specific measures to prevent or compensate for disadvantages linked to age or

A disabled worker is a worker with physical or mental impairments that may hamper the work performance. Disabled workers include people with chronic, long-term or progressive conditions. (Source)

. This includes measures to protect health and safety at work or aimed at promoting the integration of older people, or people with disabilities into the working environment. 

The National Strategy on Active Ageing launched by the Maltese Government in 2013 applicable from 2014 to 2020 proposes work settings that ensure workers’ lifelong

Employability can be defined as ‘the quality of being employable’ or the ‘combination of factors permitting access to work, to maintain it and to progress in one’s career’.

, equal access to training, age-appropriate training systems, flexible and individual work designs, age-friendly shift rotas and occupational support from well-informed management.  The Strategy highlights that  guidance services available to older workers tend to be fragmented and sporadic. The Strategy for Active Ageing also identifies a gap in the services available for persons aged above statutory retirement age who wish to return to work or take-up self-employment. Another gap relates to an absence of planned reduction of working hours, rather than an abrupt transition from work to absolute retirement.

Considering age and diversity in risk assessments

Risk assessment is a step in the OSH risk management process that allows identifying potential risks and hazards that workers may be exposed to and deciding on protective and preventive measures that are necessary to be implemented. It is a dynamic process that allows organisations to put in place a proactive policy for managing occupational risks. (Source)

is the cornerstone of effective health and safety management. When carrying out risk assessments, it is important to take into account workforce diversity and pay special attention to workers who may be especially vulnerable: young workers, older workers, people with disabilities and women. In the UK, HSE and HSENI provide information on how to carry out risk assessments as well as consideration of vulnerable workers including older and younger workers.

Age is one aspect of diversity, and specific risk factors related to age need to be considered in risk assessments. In the case of young workers, risks include lack of experience, and for older workers, risks are related to potential changes in functional capacities. 

Individuals vary greatly in terms of health and fitness and these differences increase with age, therefore assumptions must not be made purely based on age.

Key points that should be considered in relation to

Risk assessment is a step in the OSH risk management process that allows identifying potential risks and hazards that workers may be exposed to and deciding on protective and preventive measures that are necessary to be implemented. It is a dynamic process that allows organisations to put in place a proactive policy for managing occupational risks. (Source)

  • Carry out or review risk assessments regularly;
  • Consider the tasks involved in specific jobs;
  • Corrective measures should be based on capabilities and objective risks rather than solely on age; and
  • Provide regular health checks to identify problems.

More information about age-sensitive

Risk assessment is a step in the OSH risk management process that allows identifying potential risks and hazards that workers may be exposed to and deciding on protective and preventive measures that are necessary to be implemented. It is a dynamic process that allows organisations to put in place a proactive policy for managing occupational risks. (Source)

is available here.

Adapting the workplace

Based on the

Risk assessment is a step in the OSH risk management process that allows identifying potential risks and hazards that workers may be exposed to and deciding on protective and preventive measures that are necessary to be implemented. It is a dynamic process that allows organisations to put in place a proactive policy for managing occupational risks. (Source)

, employers might need to make adjustments to match the changing capacities and health status of workers. Measures should be based on objective risks and workers' capabilities, rather than on their age. 

Examples of adaptations include:

  • Adapting existing equipment or providing new equipment to eliminate or reduce manual handling, repetitive and forceful movements, awkward postures;
  • Providing adjustable workstations to suit all users of all ages operating them;
  • Rotating tasks;
  • Automating routine or monotonous tasks;
  • Changing shift patterns; and
  • Adjusting lighting.

Workplace adaptations should be dynamic and continuous processes based on risk assessments throughout a person’s career. Good workplace design and work organisation benefit workers of all age groups.

Examples of good practices

Here (OSH professional's module) you can read more about age-related changes in functional capacities, their potential implications for work, and how this can be addressed through occupational safety and health management. 

Holistic approach to occupational safety and health and the

Work ability can be described as the balance between the resources of the individual and work related factors. Work ability is also influenced by the environment outside of work. Personal resources include the following elements: (1) health and functional capacities; (2) competences and skills; (3) values, attitudes and motivation. Work related factors comprise work content, work environment, work organisation and leadership. (Source)


Managing occupational safety and health in the context of an ageing workforce requires a holistic approach, taking into account various factors that influence a person’s ability to work. The

Work ability can be described as the balance between the resources of the individual and work related factors. Work ability is also influenced by the environment outside of work. Personal resources include the following elements: (1) health and functional capacities; (2) competences and skills; (3) values, attitudes and motivation. Work related factors comprise work content, work environment, work organisation and leadership. (Source)

concept represents such an approach. Learn more about the

Work ability can be described as the balance between the resources of the individual and work related factors. Work ability is also influenced by the environment outside of work. Personal resources include the following elements: (1) health and functional capacities; (2) competences and skills; (3) values, attitudes and motivation. Work related factors comprise work content, work environment, work organisation and leadership. (Source)

concept here (next section).